Just the daemon (advanced)


1. Compile the dependencies

cd contrib
mkdir native
cd native

2. Compiling dring

cd ../../

3. Installing dring

make install

Done !


1. Installing dependencies

Without a package manager

cd extras/tools
export PATH=$PATH:/location/of/ring/daemon/extras/tools/build/bin

With a package manager (macports or brew)

Install the following:
  • automake
  • pkg-config
  • libtool
  • gettext
  • yasm

2. Compiling dependencies

cd contrib
mkdir native
cd native
make -j

3. Compiling the daemon

cd ../../
./configure  --without-dbus --prefix=<install_path>

If you want to link against libringclient and native client easiest way is to add to ./configure: --prefix=<prefix_path>


Common Issues

autopoint not found: When using Homebrew, autopoint is not found even when gettext is installed, because symlinks are not created. Run: brew link --force gettext to fix it.

Clang compatibility (developers only)

It is possible to compile dring with Clang by setting CC and CXX variables to ‘clang’ and ‘clang++’ respectively when calling ./configure.

Currently it is not possible to use the DBus interface mechanism, and the interaction between daemon and client will not work; for each platform where dbus is not available the client should implement all the methods in the *_stub.cpp files.